I have noticed, that you can't use two weapons from the store likeone handgun, and one rifle, but you could thatin the first game. i don't know if theres something wrong with my game. anybody else having this "problem" ?
DaYoungster's forum posts
1. MGS4: Guns of The Patriots
2. GTA 4
3. Killzone
4. Infamous
5. Uncharted
6. Bioskock
7. 50 cent: Blood on the sand
8. Assassin'S Creed
9. Far cry 2
10. Mirror's Edge
11. Oblivion
12. Army of Two
13. Saints row 2
14. Dark sector
15. Ressistance fall of man
16. Motorstorm: Pacific rift
17. Motorstorm
18. stranglehold
19. spiderman 3
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