hmm i was gonna write this ages n ages ago! unless i did..then doh!
well i use to have urban reign but then 1 day the disc got so scratched i cudnt re-copy it so i had to get another copy so i the 1st one i had i think it was NTSC but thats just a TV Setting right (like in USA and other countrys) so i get a PAL copy this time and i had finished everything...but oh i put in the disc and what happens?
Doesnt reconize the saved game file im like Get F'd so i tryed a few things..but hey..looks like my ps2 wanted 2 b smashed..but i started over again and finished it just under 2 days well 1 day n a bit more like it..and i rember when i 1st played it it took me ages and it was so hard..still
it still got annyoing at times..but hey i kicked everyones ass so currnetly 80% finished..yay i love getting all S's..AGAIN!!!!
that was a fluke and now im going 2 have 2 do it again..for people who have the game its easier 2 beat a level just by yourself when you get the option of having a partner and select the diffcutly either on hard or very hard and the more combos u have (witout getting hit) the more chance you'll get a S
But yer oh thats another thing let me guess why didnt i use cheats? well hmm funny story..someone just hates me thats all..coz the 1st copy i had..cheats worked..(found that out AFTER i had 100% of the game) so im like HA ill just use the cheats..and aww this game wants 2 b smashed or something i dnt know...but they dont work so yer..not happy bout it thats why i HAD 2 start again..
but yer.. this game isnt liked mostly coz its too hard at times...well one of the bad things about it..but yer all you need to do is get a feel of the game and its not to hard at all untill..the game starts going all sooky and u cant get a dam kick in little on your feet coz they keep on hitting you..
The one thing i kinda hate is..the reverse a grapple have to magicaly guess if there gonna hurt ur head,body or legs but once you play the game a bit more you'll notice the peoples fighting style/how they fight and yer..well im off..might not be on im not sick..just sumfing a bit personal..and yer...taken a day off skool so far also taken 2day off (thursday) so yer..