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Happy Xmas and a Happy new year

well just came on to wish everyone a happy Xmas and happy new year not much is happening atm here ive uploaded a photoshop tut on youtube boys do check it out *wink wink* and also im working on a dead sspace death's movie might have to come in parts and such seeing theres so many deaths and i plan on getting all (or least most) ways of dying in the game for the video so far it goes for 5 mins and ill have to play around with the settings and such as i got vegas pro 8 now and yer so far the video is 1.41 gigs and youtubes new limit is 1 might have to end it there or play around with the settings and such..ive also been thinkin about making a manhunt 1 video with music

seeing as a mate from msn was talking bout it and then i got hooked on youtube watchin self made manhunt videos ill think ill use one of slipknots newest songs "Psychosocial" and yeah

havent been playing that many games just dead space to get the footage and thats just been when ever havent worked on the video for least a day or two now..ill get bothed again just havin a rest from it lol

For the Photoshop tut for the dead space video (not the death one just a part of the clip is shown in the dead space deaths video)

and even better news is My warriors video ( has 101,357 views and was added a year ago but hey i never expected it to get so many views but it happed and take care cya's next year probz sorry bout not linkin but i got a forbiddin html error or some crap..