Damn Maximo vs. the Army of Zin is a hard game....
I've recently resumed playing Maximo vs. the Army of Zin and let me tell you it is a really hard game, not in the fact that the levels are hard it's because that they're so unforgiving, it's almost maddening.
I have started "The Great Vault" level in which you're locked in a massive vault and all this metalhead monsters' swarm in on you, let me just say that there is like over 100 of these thing. I have only got a sword, shield and a companion to defend me. So what does the game do... it get's them to surround me and attack. Well enough of this little rant on the unforgivingness of video game's.
In other news:
I didn't attend soccer training tonight because of a cold I'm recovering from so that sucks.
Friday I'm going to receive my exam results', so I hope they're all great.
I've still got no word on when I'll be receiving that soccer ball from the soccer fed, I just want something to kick around.
See all of you guys next time round, Bye!!!
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