If i have two accounts, one account has PSN+ can my other account which is on the same console play the free games i download from psn with the PSN+ account?
Da_Koolio_Gamer's forum posts
[QUOTE="T-Bone91"]Ok so I want to know if the specs they revealed for Xbox one are the same as the PS4?Can anyone shed some light on that please.I_can_hazPS4 specs are superior so far. They both use 8 Core AMD CPUs and M$ was coy about mentioning what GPU they use probably 'cos it sucks. They both have 8GB of RAM but PS3 has the faster GDDR5 RAM while XBox One is using slower DDR3 (3GB dedicated to the 3 OSs and 5GB actually used for games).
Joke? They are pretty much the same, other than the memory issue you already mentioned. However X1 processer runs 5 billion transistors which make everything a bit more clearer, and less chunky. Ps4 and X1 are basically the same in performance capability, and the GDDR5 RAM is for larger cuts at the memory, when the DDR3 is for smaller bursts stacking up, for all the multi-tasking.
Sony really did a number of low blows on MS these past months. First Kaz announced that they were going to let MS first reveal their console. Then out of nowhere, Sony targeted Feb 20 with a whopping next gen spec possibly trying to sabotage MS' Xbox One megaton reveal. Some sneaky move Sony, real sneaky...Bazooka_4ME
Yeahh, Sony! yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.
One thing I found funny today is all the haters bashing MS. They are going to go crazy in 18 days when MS unloads their Big Guns at E3. Rumor of an old classic Rare game and many other surprises. Oh Yeah it's going to be fun! :cool:
said all the xbots before e3's ever.
But why couldn't they show more of the games??? All they've bandied about is multimedia this, integrate that, and for what? So I have a reason to give a rip about kinect? They are getting all the hate because they haven't been promoting the games like they should. Saying they have 15 exclusives to show at e3 is too little too late at this point. Maybe if they really do come undone at e3 and really show us that they care about the games, maybe all that will change, but until then...
Either way they have to talk about that stuff, so basically they just got rid of it so at E3 they can focus on games.
I was never hyped, as a pc gamer, i usually get quite excited for new consoles even though id never buy one.
Xbox = the next sega.
Found this comment:
"This goes for all consoles...
I don't want to revolutionize my tv.
I don't want a console to check if it's connected to the internet and dying if it's not.
I don't want to surf the web in a small window while watching anything.
I don't want my body monitored.
I want to 'own' my games, not lease them.
I don't want a game console to be a reflection of my facebook personality.
I don't want to dance around in my living room to move a table in game.
I don't want to store my music on my game console.
I don't want anything else with the word 'smart' in front of it.
I don't want my console building a marketing profile of me.
I don't want to pay a fee to get permission to play a used game.
I don't want my console to be 'hip'.
I don't want celebrates to tell me what is cool, and why a console is this.
I don't want every god damn tiny thing to be published or saved on the internet without my consent.
I don't want a console 'trying' to make my life easier."
I just want my console to play games. Nothing more. Anything and everything else is worthless, and actually harms the overall package, as far as I'm concerned.
movies, music and netflix hurt nothing bro. let's be real here...
No man, if the option is there it will give you cancer..........
games are priority on pcs? really? lol[QUOTE="lazerface216"]
[QUOTE="Frostbite24"]Both look pretty lackluster for next gen gaming consoles. Do yourself a favor and go PC where games are still the priority.NoodleFighter
Yep why else wouldn't services like Steam exist and so many people release games on it
The difference isn't the same. The ps4 is much more powerful. I've taken one EE course and know enough that the difference might actually be closer to 2x than same
PS4 and X1 are pretty much the same. Only thing Ps4 has on X1 is that it doesn't need 3 os's running at the same time. How would one be more powerful than the other?
Well, I guess the name fits in terms of expected quality. Kaz must be loving M$ right now. hexashadow13
Lol Coinsidince? or is it because X1 has blu ray?
Quick summary:
- Shit name lol
- Typical M$ to announce how many instead of showing you these new IPs. I'm sure half of those games are trash indie garbage from the 'splosion man guys.
- Magic black tusk game thats been talked about for years? LOL MIA
- Preowned fee, TLHBR
- TV shows - typical M$
- No backwards compatibility. So much for that one potential advantage over the PS4.
Needless to say, I'm jumping out. PS4 and upgraded PC (Can't wait to play that new remedy game on it :wink:.) next gen...and maybe the Wii U. The PS4 teaser video was more promising today than that whole conference.
Lems officially on suicide watch.
Dude chill. It was a console reveal, and that is what they did. Even if they screwed it up, they left alot of potential for E3. IF they screw that up its gg.
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