If you have been so fool to think that a game was great because the trailer looked awesome, and after you bought the game you discovered it was actually s**t , just admit your mistake... Next time don't let those marketing guys fool you.
Developers lie, marketing is a lie... Sometimes I bought a game after having read a positive review on Gamespot, and then I discovered that the game is actually s**t... In those cases, for a moment I have the disbelief that in the review it's told lot of b******t, then I reconsider that maybe it is just a matter of personal taste, maybe the game cannot be appreciated by a gamer like me, maybe the person that wrote the article is an "expert" and I am not.... Well, "Suspension of disbelief" works ;-))
Nice comparison, questionable, but I liked it ;-) Even if you could tell (and see) the difference (personally, I cannot), you also have to think about the monitor (LCD, Plasma, LED), the resolution, the cable (VGA, HDMI,...). If you have time (and money...) to spend in order to get the best solution, good for you... Personally, I still have fun playing old games on the NES; graphically they suck, but they are fun, that's the important. PS: Has a comparison between the following aspects already done: loading times, fan noise, console reliability, online connection/services?
Dade_1981's comments