Oh hello friends, non-sequitors reading this blog. And welcome to about .000004 percent of my thoughts.
I'm making a blog to say "hi" to all of you. You know who you are. But the thing is, do I know who you are?
Anyways, I've been alive, checking messages, mostly active in other sites, not because I don't love this one, but I've been on this one for a long time and well, it's like beating pokemon after the 5th time. YOu wait a while, and then you beat it again with a new team.
So, what have I been up to you ask? Well, if you insist...
I've been playing Computer games for a long time. Lots of Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead.
Mirror's Edge
Lots of anime I saw.
Black Lagoon was pretty awesome. So was K-on.
Designing wise? I've done a lot. I've made campaign posters for Left 4 Dead, and left 4 dead 2.
I've been learning ancient chinese secrets from people who aren't chinese in the ways of digital art.
I shifted my artwork to more gory and bloody reticule after the Left 4 Dead phase, but now I'm falling back from the bloody art. IE, red, blood brush, sort of gore thing you would expect in any horror genre.
Moving toward traditional vectoring and eventually lineart when I get up to chance.
I made a lot of steam icons for myself, and a couple nice wallpapers.
But most of the time. I'm playing games.
And when I'm not playing games, I'm doing homework.
And when I'm not playing games, or doing homework, i'm taking care of my body.
So I wish you all the best and thanks for being you. XD
Sinc. Daf
Hmm...I've been trying to find what I contribute most to the web of designing and I think it's my glass texutured work.
I don't see anybody else pulling sigs or wallpapers with defined glass structures and textures.