I was rocking out on Call of Duty 4 this morning,playing some Free for All when some idiots calls out,
"F$#% Dafreewurld!" and I have to think,"Well that wasn't nice".
Of course I said something's back but my point is that,Why do people weigh so heavily on other's gamertags? People have it in their heads that gamertags not only represent you, but they represent ALL of you. So when people read mine and call out about it, they think that I watch 8 Mile constantly and I listen to rap all the time.
Well, I do not listen to rap, I rather listen to Metal,Rock,or Indie and I haven't watch that movie in 2 years. Do people seriously have the tenacity to think that gamertags reveal that much? So if you met someone named MJ420, you think it's Micheal Jackson celebrating national Mary Jane day?
Anyways, after those guys called out, I had to own them 25 to 4.
It was the right thing to do, I feel bad for CocaineKitty23 and MtysonHEMP911.