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Daisetsu-Horigo Blog


I lost my password for the longest! God...I suck at memorizing important things...

Normally when I come on GameSpot, I am already signed in. But a little while ago my computer crashed and I lost EVERYTHING! So I've spent the last week or what felt like that fixing everything and getting everything back together! But I had lost my email account's password and forgot the secret answer thing so I was f*cked...BUT LUCKILY! Out of total randomness I entered in the right password for my email, emailed my GS account's password, and now you see what the end result is!

Anyway, my comp is running like new again! We got a new internet! And hopfully! nothing will screw up again for awhile...

 And for those who care, I passed all my finals with like 90s and 100s! :D !Davehappy! :D

Much love,


For those who didn't know what happened...

Around my home town region.

There was almost a tornado! FUN! Not only that, BUT I NOT ONLY WAS WATCHING THAT FORM, BUT IT WAS LIGHTNIG HARDCORE-LIKE! AND It blew something up in Tom Bean (which I can see downtown Tom Bean from my front porch)...

I know this is horrible to say but...

it was pretty cool... :D :lol: :P

It's Raining...

It's raining like a 2 dollar B*TCH here! God...all f'ing 5 acers of land I live on is underwater!

 Electicity keeps going off...can't watch tv because our signal keeps going out...

D*mn...this has just been hell week for me :D

Man this blows...

I am DEAD sick  ....

 ARGH! I can't even play video games because they give me a bad headache...its just alergies but man...I haven't been this bad since I had a 3 day stomach virus after I ate some bad fish...

My throat feels likes it's on fire, every 12 seconds I either cough or sneeze...WHY?! WHY DO I HAVE TO GET DOG SICK WHENEVER I GET SICK?!