Hello, I would like to share my personal view on this matter. And to make it as simple as possible, I am a Christian and disagree with homosexual marriage.
If you are a Christian then homosexuality is a sin and is unnatural, plain and simple.
Verses (KJV): Leviticus 18:22, Roman 1:26 – 27, 1st Timothy 1:9 – 10 and other verses.
However, if you are not a Christian then you should realize human beings are not meant to be homosexual. From a scientific stand point, human males or females cannot naturally reproduce offspring unless it is with the opposite sex.
In addition, when it comes to general phrasing of people being born homosexual, I disagree except for one instance. Only if a child has a neurological issue when developing during pregnancy is it possible to be born homosexual. Other than the example I gave, I believe it is a psychological issue. Also, even if there are people born with a neurological issue that influences them to be homosexual, it is still unnatural and a sin if acted upon.
To my fellow Christians and commenters, whether you agree or disagree, to progress in the right direction, we should all respect each other and argue with common sense and not emotion against a person directly but their view.
Plus, when it comes to equal rights from a legal stand point, if the state already allows homosexual marriage then it makes sense to give the same legal benefits and rights to homosexual marriages when related to heterosexual marriages. But if a state does not allow it and an individual is homosexual, then that individual should move to a state that condones it and not force their view on the majority of Americans that do not agree.
Dameron93's comments