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Dan3721 Blog

It's just one of those days

Today I have been thinking about my life. Specifically the part about my job, and how games are incorporated into that. My dream job would be to work making video games - It doesn't really matter how, since I haven't found out what I'm good at yet. It's kind of sad that kids younger than me have more skills at programming, 3D Animation, and Graphic Design than I am (well actually, thats a great thing). But the problem is, I'm just not really motivated. I never seem to be able to finish what I start. For example, I started making a simple flash game a couple days ago. I got about half way done when I just didn't feel like working on it anymore. I don't know why again, but it just doesn't interest me. I really do like drawing things, which was my favorite part of working on the game. Perhaps I could be some sort of Graphics Designer and whatnot? Who knows. I just know that I really need to think about what I want to do, and I gotta start working for it.

I guess this is life. I wonder how many other people who succeeded in life were like me.

Underprivileged children getting free games

- and yet here I sit without a cent in my pocket, wanting to get the latest and greatest in gaming technology. What is it with people buying PS3s and new consoles/games for 8 year olds whose mothers work the corner? Where are my free games? I don't have money, I'm a gamer, and I want free stuff too. Where do I sign up on this newfangled website (www.pixelequity.org) to get my free stuff?

There is something very wrong about this, I just want my cut.
