If true, that's terrible. I never expected the Switch to compete against the PS4 Pro or Scorpio (in matter fact, two unnecessary systems imo), but not to be able to match at least the Xbox One, that's pretty disappointing. The Xbox One has 8GB of total RAM (5GB availlable to games, 3GB reserved for the operational system and apps). With half of that, the Switch will struggle to keep up. If the Switch were only a portable, 4GB of RAM would be more than enough, considering its screen resolution of 720p. But lets not forget it will function as a home console as well, and nowdays people expect, at the very least, 900p resolution games on their big HDTVs. 32GB of internal storage memory doesn't help either.That wouldn't be that much of a problem if the Switch were compatible with extremely high capacity sd cards, but the lastest rumors say it will only support 128GB sd cards. Since the Super NES that i wasn't that excited about a Nintendo system (yes, i'm that old, lol). The Switch has a pretty cool new concept, a portable/home console hybrid. But with these lastest rumors, my excitement is wearing thin. Let's hope they are not true, but considering Nintendo's track record, i wouldn't hold my breath.
DanBal76's forum posts
I live in Brazil and, for many years, Sega was officially represented here by a company called Tec Toy. Now, that same company will re-release the original Mega Drive in june 2017. It will be the original hardware (no emulation here), but with a nice twist: besides playing the original cartridges, the console will feature a sd card slot, so you can play ROMs as well. The only thing missing is HDMI output (composite output only), but since it's the original hardware, i think that omission is forgivable. What do you guys think about it? I liked it!
I don't like this idea at all. I prefer a real successor from 3 to 4 years from now, instead of the same architecture on turbo next year. Sure, games will look and play better on Scorpio, but it's still the same architecture. I want a huge leap, like the one we have with new generations; like the one we had from PS2 to PS3, from Xbox to Xbox 360. I would have prefered to wait at least more 3 years with the current hardware of PS4 and Xbox One. One of the things i love about consoles is how developers, through time, can extract more and more power with the same hardware. Now, i'm afraid developers may get lazy with the original Xbox One. This new direction that consoles are taking is much like the PC way of things. I don't like it. I want to buy a console, enjoy it for as long as possible, and not worry about upgrades for a good time. And when the new generation finally arrives, i'm blown away by the new technology. I guess i'm just an old minded console gamer. Oh well.
You can bet i would! But done properly, nothing like the atrocious Dino Crisis 3.
Enable UPnP (universal plug and play) on your router. That should do the trick.
Killzone and Bioshock. If done right, they will be pretty sweet on the Vita. Even though Burning Skies is not receiving critical success, it did prove that FPSs work very well on the Vita. I can't wait.
Now the game is booting in 16 seconds. Mysteries of the videogame world :roll:.
I did the update and now the game takes an eternity to boot. Oh boy. BTW, i never liked the PS3 games, but, surprisingly, i'm enjoying Burning Skies, despite the bad reviews. Go figure.
I'm fine with the power of the 3DS. What i really would have liked was a second circle pad, so i wouldn't have to buy the circle pad pro.
I'm currently playing it. I'm impressed about the graphics and production values, very good for the 3DS. The most advanced smartphone available right now is several times more powerful than the 3DS, but has nothing like it. Like the Pirelli advertisement says, power is nothing without control (is this case, power is nothing without investment).
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