Can't wait for Starcraft 2. So yeah, don't really no what to say other than if it is half as good as its predecessor than it will be an amazing game.
I guess since there is too much good to talk about, I will talk about the only things that could possibly go wrong.
1. The gameplay is dumbed down per se, to accommodate the n00b rather than the professional. Not saying I am a professional by any means, rather I would consider myself closer to the n00b, but what makes it interesting to me is how it is impossible to master and it is still played professionally to this day.
2. The system requirements are very high. While I have a PC desktop anyways, I am really looking forward to using my shiny new MacBook Pro.
3. It doesn't play like the original. Don't get me wrong. I am just as excited as anyone else about new units, structures, and abilites. I just hope that they don't go over the top and create a game that feels completely different from the first.
4. And the last one. This one is kind of obvious, but the lack of LAN is a real disappointment. That is the only thing I played in the first one. While the campaign is touted as having a new standard for storytelling and such, I'm sure I will find much more fun in destroying my friends with a well thought out trap, or a powerful assault. However, I am not too worried, because if there is a complete lack of LAN or no realistic alternative for playing with friends at the same location, I am sure there will be a mod or hack within weeks of its launch.
So, thats my list. Give me your feedback in the comments. I don't know, make your own list of what could possibly go wrong.
But don't leave this blog under the impression that I am worried for this game. Leave knowing that I could name a thousand good things about Starcraft 2 so far, and that I had to try my hardest to think of four things that could possibly go bad.
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