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DanTheManAus Blog

WaroWare: Smooth Moves Review

9.1!? Are you serious gamespot!?? The first wii game to break the 9.0 barrier is one of the worst i've played so far. The fact that it is still quite fun, especially with a few friends and a few drinks, says a lot for the wii... but still, this is not a 9.1 worthy game!

Basically, you'll be playing a bunch of micro games which are often imaginative, well-implemented and totally crazy. The use of the wii-mote is excellent and will certainly make you and your friends look very silly, which is great for a laugh... for about half an hour. Playing by yourself is a little more monotonous, as the game gets very very repetitive and is over in a couple of hours, giving you little reason to switch it back on again. On top of this, the story mode forces you to sit through supposedly 'charming' introductory cut-scenes which I would more aptly describe as boooooooring. I can see that they are trying really hard to be funny in that off-beat Japanese anime kind of way... but for me, it was mostly just uninspired (nothing like Elite Beat Agents for example, which really was funny in that off-beat, charming kind of way).

Don't get me wrong, my friends and I had a few great laughs playing this game, and I'm probably being a little harsh because of high expectations, but this is just not an outstanding game by any leap of the imagination.

Rent it with some friends one night but don't waste your money buying it.


Yay for Wii

How good is it?!?

The Wii has landed in Aus and i am already fully addicted (and i haven't even started  playing Zelda yet - it's wrapped up under the christmas tree and i have to wait until christmas morning to open it!! grrr - the frustration!!!). Is it just me or is it like 7000 times easier to aim with the wii-mote at home than in the shopping centre demos? When i first tried it out, i thought it would take a while to get used to it but when i got it all set up at home, it works like a dream - easier than a mouse for instance. Very happy about that.

Wii Sports and Wii Play are so schweeet and the whole family are stoked with it as well. Creating Mii's of them all had everyone in stitches. I think my sister and brother-in-law will probably end up getting a wii of their own after spending half an hour or so with wii sports, so nintendo's 'playing is believing' thing seems to be working on non-gamers as expected.

Anyway, my new Wii Console Number is...
4642 0299 6016 7199

So do feel free to add me... and let me know your number so I can add you!

Importing consoles - good idea?

Ok, I need to be talked in or out of this idea - let me know your opinion.

I want to buy a Wii but in about 8 months i'll be moving to the UK. So if a buy a Wii here, i'll either have to sell it and all the games before i leave (no doubt for much less than their worth) then buy a new one in the UK or i'd take it with me and then have to order my future games from Australia (where they remain at some of the highest prices in the world).

My other option is to import a Wii and buy all my games online. For example, if i bought one from, it will cost me around AU$405 (including the $80 courrier-based shipping). Compared with the AU$399 i'd pay here, this seems like a pretty good deal! What makes it better however is that buying games from costs about AU$60-70 (free worldwide shipping) compared with the AU$99-109 we'll be paying here. On top of that, i'd be getting games as they're released in the US, which is often months earlier than in Australia and Europe and, depending on the time it takes to ship, I might even get my Wii before it's released here!

Can any of you see any holes in this plan? does anyone know if the online capabilities will somehow be region-locked? Any suggestions/opinions will be gratefully received

I just played a Wii!!

I just walked out of the train station at Melbourne Central this morning and there it was... the Wii demonstration. I had heard they were doing the rounds at various Melbourne shopping centres (Highpoint & Chadstone at least - i know there's others though) and was actually thinking how cool it would be to see it in action when there it was, right in front of me! They've got four big screens with all the 1st party games playing - Zelda, Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Excite Truck.

I jumped on Excite Truck first and could not contain my grin. I know it’s already a cliché but the controller really is quite simply 'intuitive.' It might be a little tricky to start off with, and getting a feel for the movement takes a few minutes, but by the end of my first race I reckon I nearly had the hang of it. Playing the game was totally fun and one race was definitely not enough - I felt like I could have played for hours... its just such a new and exciting sensation - not quite as natural as holding a steering wheel in an arcade but very close. This definitely might be a launch-day purchase for me.

Next I had a quick 2-player go with the Laser Hockey (Air hockey) mini-game on Wii Play. I could see this being pretty fun once you get the hang of it, and actually it was still very fun but very sensitive and tricky to get used to.

I then had a reasonably long go at Wii Sports - Tennis (2-player again). I was actually surprised how simple this one was to pick up. Whenever I've seen footage of the Gamespot editors and others playing, I've been a bit sceptical - it looks a little difficult and I wondered whether anyone really could just pick it up and play. Well rest assured you totally CAN. Seriously, some of these guys must be so unco because from my first hit it was completely simple and felt incredibly natural. Most of all though - it was fun as! Both myself and the guy I played were both laughing our heads off - it was so simple and fun. Can’t wait.

I didn't play Zelda but spent a good amount of time watching. People seemed to pick it up fairly quickly and were hitting enemies with arrows at about 50% accuracy from the get-go. Still, the remote aiming looks tricky compared with the motion-based moves, which was my experience as well when comparing the aiming-based laser hockey with the other two motion-based games. Anyway it’ll be interesting to check it out - i might try and give it a go for myself this arvo if I get a chance.

In conclusion, most of my fears about the new control system are put to rest. Excite truck and Wii tennis = AWESOME FUN. The motion sensing is really tight and natural. Remote aiming seems very touchy and will take practice but I think with time it'll be fine. And one last thing - to those complaining about getting 'tired' and having 'sore arms' etc... I say good! Get off your lazy arses and move around a bit. Good! Video games aren't just for anti-social, unfit nerds anymore! Good! Nintendo is influencing the video game industry to begin moving away from gameplay that contributes to the obscene levels obesity in our world today. Viva la revolution! ;)

Seriously though, the controller is way light and responsive, and can be played off the hip with ease. Nothing to worry about there. I look forward to many long hours on the couch playing Zelda etc, just as much as I look forward to some energetic, arm-swinging, mini-games with friends and family. I think the Wii will cater for both styles of gameplay very well.

What's on your Christmas List?

I don't have all that many contacts on my 'friends' list but to those who do like to read and respond to blogs, i have a question for you... what games/hardware are you planning on buying over the next couple of months? for me, I just bought Mario vs Donkey Kong (DS) from (should be here soon) and i'll definitely be getting Yoshi's Island 2 ASAP (again DS)... In terms of consoles I'll be waiting for the verdict on the Wii - I'm causiously excited there. If it all works out then Zelda will be the obvious choice and maybe something a little more multi-player-friendly like exitetruck or something. If the Wii is not up to scratch I might join the 100,000 other Aussies and go for a 360. In that case ES: Oblivion and GR: Advanced Warfighter would be on top of my list. I think the PS3 is a little out of my price range... I'd rather just update my PC or laptop i think.

so yeah... what's your thoughts?

A little geography

in response to the comments posted on my last entry...

yep Belgium is right below The Netherlands and the top half of the country (the 'flemish' part) speaks dutch (they call it flemish - but it's a mutually understandable dialect of dutch). The southern part of Belgium is French-speaking and a small area in the east speaks german. My girlfriend (and all her family) are flemish so i'm attempting to learn the languge... even though she is fluent in english (and french and german)... bloody multi-lingual europeans - they put us all to shame!

1st Blog Entry

Procrastinating… I have heaps of work to do and on top of that I need to study for my Dutch-class exams next week but instead I’ve been surfing on gamespot, checking out people’s profiles etc. Thought it was about time I updated my info a bit and played around with some of this membership stuff.

Anyway, what’s going on….. I’m in Belgium at the moment, but heading home to Melbourne in a couple of weeks (via Bangkok for a quick shop-fest). Yesterday I bought Kirby: Power Paintbrush (aka Canvas Curse) for my DS – completely adorable so far… really liking it. The DS has been getting a fair workout lately since it’s all I’ve got while I’m away from home. I finished Yoshi’s Island (GBA) the other day too – that was totally brilliant – so glad I was able to play it despite never owning a SNES. Can’t say I’m missing the Cube too much, since there’s really nothing out recently that I want to play… but after the E3 madness I am pumped about Wii. I sooo hope it’s as good as it looks. Time will tell I suppose. Anyway that’s it for my little update.