9.1!? Are you serious gamespot!?? The first wii game to break the 9.0 barrier is one of the worst i've played so far. The fact that it is still quite fun, especially with a few friends and a few drinks, says a lot for the wii... but still, this is not a 9.1 worthy game!
Basically, you'll be playing a bunch of micro games which are often imaginative, well-implemented and totally crazy. The use of the wii-mote is excellent and will certainly make you and your friends look very silly, which is great for a laugh... for about half an hour. Playing by yourself is a little more monotonous, as the game gets very very repetitive and is over in a couple of hours, giving you little reason to switch it back on again. On top of this, the story mode forces you to sit through supposedly 'charming' introductory cut-scenes which I would more aptly describe as boooooooring. I can see that they are trying really hard to be funny in that off-beat Japanese anime kind of way... but for me, it was mostly just uninspired (nothing like Elite Beat Agents for example, which really was funny in that off-beat, charming kind of way).
Don't get me wrong, my friends and I had a few great laughs playing this game, and I'm probably being a little harsh because of high expectations, but this is just not an outstanding game by any leap of the imagination.
Rent it with some friends one night but don't waste your money buying it.