funny animation on youtube about the dangers of dungeons and dragons. all done with paint and windows movie maker, pretty impressive imo.
funny animation on youtube about the dangers of dungeons and dragons. all done with paint and windows movie maker, pretty impressive imo.
if they give as much cash as they do store credit, then take the cash and get a PS3 from craigslist. you can normally get about $100 off there.
thanks for the link. one question though:
Double Scale* Upscale and display with double horizontal and vertical dimensions without changing the proportions.NormalUpscale and display at a size that matches the screen size.
So my understanding of this is normal = 720p, double = 1080i/p (whichever is the higher of the two your TV supports). is this right? Also, why would somone use full screen?
also, it says it wont upscale copy protected DVD-R/RW's. does this mean I can't upscale movies that I buy? (sorry for my ignorance)
In the menu under BD/DVD Settings. There is now the option for DVD Upscaler.
It gives you 3 options:
Double Scale
Full Screen
Can somone please explain these to me? I set it to normal not knowing the difference, but I don't know the difference.
here are the list of exlusive titles each are getting that (in my opinion) look especially good:
Blue Dragon
Mass Effect
Lost Oddyssey
Too Human
Alan Wake
Little Big Planet
Ratchet and Clank
Heavenly Sword
GoW3 (eventually)
Assassin's Creed
Brothers in Arms
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Call of Duty 4
Also, don't let price fool you. $400(360 premium) vs. $500(PS3 60gb, you can easily get a 60gb for this off craigslist in most areas). If you plan on having this more than 2 years it's already a draw ($50/yr. xbox live vs. $0/life playstation network), and tips in the PS3's favor after that. Add to that a wireless adapter for your 360, or a battery charger for your console, or a high def. player (all features the PS3 comes with stock), and the price is all that much more in favor of the PS3.
But ultimatly, for most people, it boils down to games. Look at the list above and do some scanning of the preview section on this site and IGN, and make the decision based off that.
Wow, I disagree with a lot of your points but agree with the overall conclusion that the PS3 will gain some traction and start selling.
the wii and xbox 360's technology won't alow them to have a leghnthliy life span (not more than 7 years)
yes despite worse graphichs and lower technology the ps2 did outsell the xbox 1 and gamecube put together, mainly because the xbox 1 came too late in the console war
wii is just selling alot because of the very high consumer demand
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