I play on Xbox Live a fair bit, what, with the marathon Call of Duty 4 sessions as well as the occasional bout of something more varied, and from my experience, the extreme problems the service has (in terms of racial, sexual or some other form of abuse from other XBL users), it somewhat unique to the North American (or more specifically US) market.
I normally play Call of Duty 4 (or other multiplayer games, take your pick) after I get home from work, have some dinner and lurk some forums and news sites for a while. Why not play as soon as I get in the door? Easy: I have to play with the Yanks. I leave all my playing til after 10 or so local time (10pm local time being 4am PST), just to avoid being matched up with people from across the Pacific. Now, granted some of that is due to with the lag involved, but mostly it's to do with the stereotypical 13-year-old "badass" who comes online solely to practice swearing and delivering racial slurs just right.
You see, when I play at 11 or 12 o'clock, with other Australians and Kiwis (people from New Zealand for those who are not "Up on the lingo"), although there is plenty of swearing and such which still goes on, it is rarely if ever directed towards other players, and I don't think I've ever heard a racial insult given to a stranger. Now, I may just be sheltered, but it seems that this plague of epic proportions may not be an XBL specific problem, but an American cultural one.
Before you slag me off and insinuate that I hate Americans and am in league with terrorism ("You're either with us or against us!!"), I lived in the states for 6 years, and still have many American friends. I really enjoyed living there. But the stark contrast between playing with Kiwis and Aussies and playing with the Yanks, cannot be understated. I have been told to "STFU you *racial slur here*" by kids who sounded 13 when I was simply talking to my friend in the lobby about the Cricket score. If I had to put up with that kind of thing day in, day out, I would probably just give up and go back to admining servers on Counter Strike.
So, if you live outside the States, do you find that this trend holds true?
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