In the wait for the PS3, which seems like it will never get here, I have decided to replay all the games which I can find. I intended to play some of my Master System games again, but sadly, I cannot find an RF-AV converter for it and as such cannot connect it to my TV.
So, I have to be content with my old PC games as well as my PS1 and 64. So far I have replayed Final Fantasy VII, Spyro 3 (the best of the Spyro games) and 1080 Snowboarding from start to finish and have started FFIX again and am at the end of the 1st disc.
I also pulled Mario Kart 64 and Perfect Dark out today, I must say that Perfect Dark has aged noticeably, but Mario Kart is as fun as it ever was.
Also, I am very surprised that Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is making its way over to Xbox Live Arcade. That game remains on my list of top ten greatest single-player games ever and it just seems a bit strange that one of the Playstation's best games is being ported to the platform of a competitor two generations later.
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