I've been trying really hard to find people to gameshare with, but most of them are scammers or don't have any good games!!! :x
So I thought, why not post a blog on GameSpot to see if any of my contacts wanted to share?
I have Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 7, Syphon Filter 1, Syphon Filter 3, all Killzone 2 map packs, some LittleBigPlanet costumes, God of War 3 demo,andsome PSP games (Kingdom of Paradise, The Con, echochrome, and Syphon Filter Combat Ops).
The game I'm mainly looking for is Siren: Blood Curse, but I'm also very interested in getting the MAG BetaandBurnout Paradise :D
If you're interested in game sharing with me, send me a PM, comment on this blog, or add me on PSN.
PSN ID = Daniel72296