Yea today went good, school was wicked. Had a fight and won it then swore at a teacher GOD IT FELT GOOD :D
Then i called my mate a plum :lol: then he said are you bad and i said hell yes ! then.......i ran for my life cuz he's like 6ft 7. But i got to class in time :| then i called him a momma's boy !!!ROFL:lol: he said if i didnt give him bus fare he would tie me to a train track.......""
When i was walking home i saw him again then he said "DANTE !!:twisted:" i ran across the road but he juuuuuust caught up and slammed me "threw" a fence:o god it hurt but still damn hilarious:lol:
When i got on my street i kissed my girlfriend.......
Dante - "Was you giving tongue:P??"
Hollie - "No, It was Retainer(thing that you get when you have braces) :lol:
Dante - :shock: *PUKE*