This years gone so fast, but thinking back at it so much has happened. Manchester United won the double, Playstation 3 got the big update some big releases shock the world of gaming and much more. Which other year can you remember Grand Theft Auto 4, Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet all making such an impact on the games industry as they did. Although I haven't got LittleBigPlanet yet the other two were fantastic games and I thoughly enjoyed them. Which brings me to my problem.
Since the trophy patch came out for PS3, Theres something inside me that just needs to get as many trophys as possible, upto the point where i'm buying games I wouldn't normally buy just for trophys and thats not right. I don't want to want trophys but its such a rewarding feeling to get them. I love the little noise and the trophy sign coming up whenever you get something new. Developers should realise how much more games they could sell just by patching it with trophys too. So far I have a few new games I bought because I liked the games. Far Cry 2, which had a mixed feeling from me at first, but it has grown on me, even if I was annoyed that getting 100% platinum is impossible. Dead Space, which I didn't play for a week after getting it, but it looks a good expierence, ill play it after i'm done with a few other games. Silent Hill Homecoming, I'm a big fan of the games, played this quite far into it, it was addictive until I got stuck and I've not seemed to touch it since.
But I'm afraid all these games will have to wait. Theres something inside me, like every few months that go by, that just makes me wanna play Final Fantasy 7 and 8 all over again, so I will. :)