What with my birthday being exactly 2 weeks after christmas (for those of you who are mathematically challenged, that's the 8th of January) there is always the possibility of a joint xmas and birthday present.
This year i got a 360 :D Along with viva pinata, forza 2 and the simpsons game. None xbox 360 related i also got half life 2 the orange box for pc, the horrors - strange house, russel brand's booky wook, and some clothes. After hooking up my xbox 360 and racing around a few laps of forza 2 my christmas was made, even on my old 15" sony (which happens to have seen more christmases than me by one) the games still look great. I think my ps2 and gamecube have finally found a new shiny box to sit with them. (never liked the first xbox)
However, there is strong correlation between an awesome christmas present and then not having much to open come my birthday, with any luck i might get a cake. But who cares by the time my birthday comes my new fresh from the sales 26" hd tv will be here :D and my gaming will be in razor sharp resolution. Other january sales wonders include bioshock and halo 3, my expenditure might be slightly higher than my income for this month...
On a less festive note first module AS exams start the day after my birthday. So for the while instead of homework occasionally being interspersed into gaming it is all revision with the occasional trip to see my pinata garden or play through another level of half life. bring on january 15th when exams are over and my life can resume.
"Welcome to rapture"
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