umm... ok well just in case ima gunna tell u anyway start wit everything off ( im telling you because the update changed things a lil) then turn on your system go settings, accessory settings, audio devices... now from here you have to press triangle to connect.. then press and hold your power button... keep in mind.. i believe the hs doesnt have a power button and is not turned on until its sucessfully put into pairing mode and paired up wit your system... if this doesnt work then yes you have a lithium problem and should contact sony right away...sooner rather than later... i hope this helps and its not everything you know already... that is frustrating... gl my brother
Dantesheavin's forum posts
wow.. i just called the eb games i preordered from and they are sayin its not being released until the wed. im hearing ppl in the us are gettin it tom like we all should and some ppl on my psn already have it..anyone got the same prob??? do you guys know where i can get a copy tom for sure?? that would be amazing if you could tell me i live in bc.. if u could help that would be great or lollolol feel free to just vent wit
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