Ah, summer. Public school is out, and was out on the plaza with some buds friday night and boy, everybody was out in force. You would think it was the after party for prom. Why was I taking it easy?
Prepairing for the summer semester of college, which starts tomorrow morning. I dont want to brag, but I have had very high scores in all areas, except one...mathmatics. So bad in fact, I cant stand it. So, instead of enjoying the summer, I signed up for some math courses for the next 8 weeks I think, Monday through Thursday. Since its a summer semester its going to be pretty compact, but its something I need to do.
Still though, I'm dreading it. I've been gifted enough to take like a fish to water in most my classes but man, algebra mops the floor with me and that needs to change, so I'm taking the plung in what is going to be my single most dreaded college class since I joined up.
I could use some prayers, not just so I do good, but so that I dont loose my mind with anxiety over this class.
In other news, I started 3 days ago training my right hand to write (I'm left handed) and I think i can safely declare myself ambidextrous. Cant write quite as fast with my right hand yet, but I'm improving, so three cheers for me!
Hope you guys enjoy your summer. I imagine I will too after the first few classes get over with and my emotions realize this is not, in fact, the end of the world as I know it. Thanks for any prayers and support!