I think a huge factor of why people can be rude and disrespectful is because when we talk on the internet, we aren't speaking face-to-face. I think the sense of anonymity and security they get by typing words on a screen makes them feel less restricted on what they can say and thus they don't think before they act most of the time.
When I talk on the internet, I always try to be friendly and think about what I'm saying to the other person. I don't say things that they may find rude or offensive unless I know that person and I'm just joking around.
@Spinnerweb I'd prefer if it stayed as it's own site, as well. I like Fuse because you can actually have an intelligent, civil conversation with other users on there. Unlike the comment section of most articles, where all it is people insulting each other or using their opinions as facts.
What does he mean that the features of Fuse will get integrated into user profiles? Does this mean that Fuse is essentially being merged and is no longer it's own thing?
@Patohua1 @Elk @Sefrix @Synthia Rangers are like the guides to Gamespot. They teach new users how to do things around the site. They can usually be found in the How to Gamespot forum.
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