I'm writing this blog from my laptop, because my main computer can't connect to the internet right now.
The same thing happened when I first used a direct ethernet cable on my last setup: it says there's no connection, and to install networking hardware. Well, it came with an ethernet port, and I plugged and ethernet cable in there, and nothing happened. It was pretty depressing. Then, after a few days of trying to get that to work, *shazam!* the little image of earth appeared in place of the red x, and the internet was mine!
But now it's doing it again on my new computer. It was working fine, until...
I got this bad boy you see here, for my SNE*cough*, N6*cough*, and PS*cough* emu*cough*ion. Sorry, there's something going around. Anyway, it works perfectly! But the software did some crazy voodoo that messed up my internet connection, which brings me back to writing this on my laptop. So I'm leaving my computer on like this while I wait for it to *shazam!* it's internet connection back like last time.
Well, it definitely gives me time to catch up on games like Call of Duty 4, Crysis, Bioshock and the SNE*cough*, N6*cough* and PS*cough*!
And isn't that what Christmas is all about? :P