Today was the last day of school, and it was a half-day!
Now my friends and I are going to create a Super Mario World ROM hack over Summer, probably called
Super LSD World
Because of our usernames-- Lone Soldier and DarCowAlways, L-S-D. The people who download it when it's done can decide for themselves whether or not we ourselves were on drugs while creating this, but I rather think it's turning out well so far.
The only actual work we've done on it is changing the dialog box's text and one original level I created yesterday.
If you want to try the level (I'll call it Build 600 -- the level is done, the secret exits do nothing special) for yourself, below is the level (.mwl) file for use in Lunar Magic.
Requires Lunar Magic to view, and a Super Mario World ROM (download torrent file page) to play.
Oh, and don't do drugs, kids.