Greetings, world. Today I thought Id try a new font. Well, anyway Yesterdays subject was starting to get on my nerves, so I thought that Id just post a new topic everyday. For instance, has anyone seen the movie Poseidon? The movie where a Beautiful party on an oceanliner gets capsized and theres a group of people trying to get out of the upside-down ship by escaping through a propeller hatch? Seen it? Well last night, for some reason, I had a dream about this movie I dreamed that I got stuck underneath a capsized CARNIVAL!! A carnival that was for some reason on the water! Me and my sister and this old guy I dont even know where all trying to get out by... Um... Damn it! I cant remember. Well I guess thats the end of my ramblings for today. 'Till tommorow, Farewell.
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