I wasn`t online for a reason....I was in the hospital...I was uncontence in the hospital for almost three days and I can`t use my left hand for a while (atleast thats what the doctor said anyways....)...why? what happened? I can`t answer those things here cus its a VERY long (and personal) story that will take forever to write here in this blog.....some close friends thought I was dead,and I don`t blame then at all....even I thought I was dead...I still can`t believe I`m still alive.....I sent an e mail to everyone of them explaining what exactly happened...I just hope that they weren`t mad enought to NOT read it.
and what made things worse was that my comp is set to remember passwords (since I`m the only one who use it after all) so I found out that my sister was"missed around" with my accounts in sevral other sites while I was gone....I just hope she didn`t do anything here on GS....
for those who I didn`t replie my PMs too.......I`m sorry...and for my best friends stuart (Uwthree) and Will (misfit) I`m so sorry for worrying you....I`ll try to post in as many blogs today...its the least I could do......oh and one more thing.....sturt didn`t know that I was still alive so don`t blame him for what he did.....if anyone is to blame its me for not coming online as soon as I could
I know it whouldn`t cut it but.....sorry and thanks......
sorry for making you worry about me...and thanks for being the brother I never had....
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