whats more fun than killing some undead and head shotting some zombies? in this game thats exactly what your gonna do,read the story first than play,its fun the first few areas.
The Strangest Sights in Google Earth:
Ever since Google first let people scour the planet from the comfort of their computers through the Google Earth software program, fans have been on a virtual scavenger hunt from the North Pole to the South Pole looking for anything interesting, unusual, or unexplained. From shipwrecks to crop circles, from ads big enough to be read from space to a giant pink bunny nearly the size of a football field, here are a few of the odd and spectacular sights. You can see the same images in Google Maps but you'll get a better
Only From The Sky:
Dubbed The Badlands Guardian by locals, this geological marvel (Google Earth coordinates 50.010083,-110.113006) in Alberta, Canada, bears an uncanny resemblance to a human head wearing a full Native American headdress--and earphones, to boot. Of course, The Guardian was produced naturally. For a more synthetic wonder that can be truly appreciated only from above, check out the giant man-shaped lake (-21.805149,-49.089977) near Bauru, Brazil.
Huge And Unique:
This giant pink bunny (Google Earth coordinates 44.244273,7.769737) in Prata Nevoso, Italy, was built by a group of artists from Vienna, according to published accounts. It's 200 feet long and answers to the name "Hare."
Crop Circlec:
Without a doubt, the best thing that ever happened to crop circles is Google Earth. This circle in the desert just outside Beatty, Nevada (Google Earth coordinates 37.401437,-116.86773), is one of hundreds spotted with the software.
Celebrity Obsession:
As if Oprah Winfrey's celebrity weren't big enough already, an Arizona farmer built a 10-acre homage to the talk show host (Google Earth coordinates 33.225488,-111.5955). Visitors can tell their friends, "I got lost inside Oprah's head." :P
Auto Antics:
Think parking is tough where you live? In Westenbergstraat, Netherlands, drivers apparently have to park on the sides of walls (Google Earth coordinates 52.069207,4.3139865).
Show Me a Sign:
Google Earth doesn't have advertising, unless you consider the corporate logos and trademarks big enough to be seen from space. This giant Ford logo (Google Earth coordinates 42.302284,-83.231215) is found near (where else?) Detroit, Michigan. You think that's big? Check out the massive Coca-Cola logo (-18.529225,-70.25002) etched into a hillside in Chile with 70,000 Coke bottles. Haven't they heard of recycling?
Strange Buildings:
The image is from from Chicago, USA. Why do the buildings lean in different angles? strange eh?
What is it in this lake over here?? Did I actually discover Nessie?? :o
Its probably not...but it sure looks like a UFO is landing on that buliding.
Marry Me?
Its written " Marry Me Tammy" nice idea if I say so myself,I wonder is she said yes :P
Where'd that come from?
How'd they get that boat in there, there is no path!
VG cats comic of the day:
anyone who played Zelda would know what Link is going through here :lol:
Leaving GS:
I`ve got news...depnding on who`s reading it could be bad or good...I`m leaving GS,not sure if I may come back later but what I`m sure of is that I`ll be leaving for a long time,my life has been pretty busy lately so I might not come here in atleast a month so..sorry if I miss some of your blogs,or for some people alot of blogs,probably no one will miss me though :P
but I always be on msn if you want to talk anytime,my addy is in my about me so check it out.Also if anyone have gaia be sure to add me,its also in my about me.
this will be my last blog for a long time,but if I came I`ll check your blogs,over and out.