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DarkAndroid007 Blog

Which Pokemon do you use?

A team of uber-powered stat monsters?

A team built of your favorite pokemon?

Team of legendaries?

A monotype team, or full of diversity?

As for me I hardly use legendaries, and use a team of my favorite pokemon that I like. My teams usually aren't completely diverse, I will have 2 or 3 of the same type in my team. My favorite types being Dark and Fire.

What about you?

Rants, Reviews, Games

Im currently constructing my next review, that will be out shortly. Starfox Adventures will be the review, it will also include some rant about it being compared to the LoZ games (they are not alike!) And on another note the next game on my massive to-play list is the dreaded and terribly rated Sonic the Hedgehog 2006! (cue don don don) Thats right im going to take this game for a spin and see how it goes.

So until next time bye!

Strange Gamecube

For some reason my Gamecube has to be positioned just perfectly in order for it to work. I first set it facing the floor than I have to find some stuff to put underneath it so it's slanted like this --> /

Any ideas why?