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Nothing to say.

It's been six days since my celebration blog and i haven't made another post. Except for the gap between my very first blog post and my second this is possibly the longest i've gone without posting in my blog!

Unfortunately it's been a pretty slow week and nothings really hit me to inspire me to make a rant or something about any subjects in particular, altho it just occurs to me that i could haveĀ once again complained about the censorship of my surname... ah well oppertunity missed.

Anyway i went out last night and got very drunk (as i do) and i agreed to go to a friend's b'day party in a few weeks time. What's wrong with that you ask? (if you haven't asked you should have so shame on you! :P) Well it's a fancy dress party and, self respecting person that i am, i've never dressed up in fancy dress ever before in my life! I'm really dreading this especially since it's a themed party and the theme isĀ Alice in Wonderland... Joy(!)

(Continue to watch this space as my humiliation increases when i have to go to claire's accessories to pick up cat's ears and a tail next week!)