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Why Do I Play Online?

Sounds like the opening to a rant but i'm gonna go the other way. 8)

As we go thru life it is more than apparent that how we appear effects how we are treated and what we recieve more often than not. These are harsh times where the differences between us are feared or loathed and people are treated so very poorly over how they look or what they believe in.

Online it is a different story.

Online we are who we are not who we appear to be and everyone knows that what we tell each other could be complete and utter bull but we still accept and trust each other. The Online community does not care if you are a Black/White/Arab/Asian who's a Muslim/Hindu/Christain/Buddist/Athiest and has only lived for 10/20/30/40/50+ years in whatever country, we don't see any of that all we see is the personality you present to us online and i believe that in most cases that is a very true representation of who we are (even if everything we present about our real lives may be lies).

Everyone is equal online, we are all the same (as far as visual representation goes), we're all here for the same reason, to talk, to play, to escape from our everyday lives even if just for awhile. This is why i play online, because everywhere else i go in life i am judged for one reason or another based on nothings but at least online either no one cares to judge me orĀ if i am judged it is me they're judging and not my cover.

I also play online coz it's fun! :P