How many of you Are actually using your 360 to post on this site truthfully. I am using my ps3 right now while I wait for a few freinds to show up on line. Now even you 360ers have to admit that is cool. But you won't. And that is sad. Gaming Bluray Internet Freindship, cats and dogs living together that is Ps3 with awesome graphics.
Has anyone gotten a Blockbuster account. Well PS3 owners. You can go to the Blockbuster site and OMG that's right stream videos straight to your Playstation 3 dun dun dun!!! Netflix you say but is it really Netflix when you can't watch the moovies made by sony. Oh and to make this a valid post for this section.(DarkBiegus pushes his glassess up to the bridge of his nose...) This game was another made with the sole intent to be a 360 Exclusive and Bethesdia or however you spelled it opted for more money and placed it on the PS3 as well. expect to see on the Wii next. Micro nuke Wii mote anyone.
Q and A. Why is it that when the market favors PS3 they sites put out slanderous things such as this when it is clear that the Ps3 wasn"t hooked up using Hdmi.(I.E. when the PS3 is hooked up using anything other that component or Hdmi it appears dark, way dark and A.V. cables don't cut the mustard such as these pics. Dispute it I dare you! Oh and can anyone answer me a question. How can a company claim that it has made a profit when 48%(Msnbc with an Microsoft statement)of all of their 360 Pro units(just the pro not including elite or core don't get me started on those egg cooker. Had one didn't need central heat)sold have been replaced. I mean seriously if this were a car manufacture then they would have been pulled off the streets. But hey keep up the good work. Oh and maybe you know uhmm... give everyone their day.
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