But not one FFXIII, but THREE. The first is a mobile game called Final Fantasy Agito XIII. The next is Final Fantasy Versus XIII then the standard single player Final Fantasy XIII.
Nomura and the Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts teams are creating the Final Fantasy Versus XIII game for Playstation 3. While nothing has been said about it, it is an action based game, opposed to the traditional turn-based and with a name like "versus" one can only assume multiplayer action! This is the game they will be developing before starting Kingdom Hearts 3.
FFXIII is being directed by Motomu Toriyama, director of Final Fantasy X-2. The story is said to have an urban setting with a "utopia" like storyline, ever read Brave New World? Watched The Island? The game will run on a new graphics engine and feature a technologically advanced civilization never seen in a Final Fantasy game. Like Brave New World or The Island, the story will be about those who "resist the world".
Here are the first screenshots of Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus XIII: