sorry i havent been on in a while, my computer wont let me post so i have to get on my parents's when there gone. and now i got my computer taken away. i just wanted to let you know why i havent been on.
me and all of my freinds a re big RE fans, so of course we would buy it. the first RE on DS was good but i perfer RE 2 over one,and its cool to play RE on the road instead of a home console. i think eventually capcom will put 2 on the DS cuz RE 2 was good and putting it on DSwould make it that much better.
sorry to get off topic a little. but i had to make this known. im not going to be getting on as much for the next week or week in a half. cuz im in alot of trouble with my parents and until i can get it straight, i wont be able to get on as much.
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