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DarkIceman2003 Blog

World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing Servers

At first I thought the idea was stupid, but until I played it I thought differently. Role-Playing servers are the best thing for a Warcraft geek, like me. I mean I don't sit at my computer all night, playing WoW or surfing the forums...I listen to the radio (Psh, who doesn't?).

I am currently trying to Re-Activate my account since I quit WoW for a while, so if anyone wants to play with me...I'll let you know.

Also, please take a minute to visit my website:  and my myspace (if you like trance) so see you later.


Battlefield 2: Strike at Karkhand

One of the most chaotic Single-player games I've ever played. I started out as a Special Ops for the USMC and I ran in as C.O. By default the NPCs go for the first Control Point (CP) held by the MEC. That was the first of three that had to be taken. When the USMC Bradley came in the MEC attacked with rockets and such. The Bradley was taken out and the Infantry hid and took cover. I ordered a UAV and saw an enemy tank coming in. So then I called in an Artillery Strike on my position, so all of my men ran out of range of the predicted barrage radius and just watched them go to hell. We moved on.

To be continued...