In case you haven't heard the good news, our new president of the United States of America starting in January is...
and his less famous running mate...
Even Indiana voted democrat this year... It's usually a facist state, in case you are malinformed. :P I'm allowed to say it because I'm from Indiana, but I'm Moderate Liberal, so I like Obama this time around! Personally, I sorta like the Republican candidate. He seems like a good guy, and he was hillarious on SNL. (Everytime someone mentions "The Sad Grandpa" campaign strategy, I burst out laughing) So let's hear a round of applause for...
And I apologize to her fans, but I despise Sarah Palin. The vice president is supposed to back the president and stand quietly in the background like Joe Biden. She went all out and became an international celebrity and it was like she just accepted the role of vice president so she could get more publicity.
See what I mean?