I spent the night at my pally B.'s last night. Her name is Savannah, but there are two of them in my social group, so we pretty much just refer to them as Savannah and B. First I had to watch the both of them plus Alec in their marching band practice, which was kinda sweet. The four of us are starting a band. I'm going to sing, B. is playing the Snare Drum, Savannnah is playing the Xylophone, and Alec is playing the Clarinet. What a fun band!!! :lol: And then me and B. went to a Youth Groupish sort of thing at this person's house and we ate hot dogs and hamburgers and watched the movie Jumper. The guy who played Griff sorta reminded me of L...
It's kind of assumed that Griff dies, because David pushed him into an electric wire thingy, but Griff seemed to be OK... No one really knows what happened to Griff. :? But he was my favorite, so he better not have died!!! Then we went back to her house. It was around 11 at this point, and her sis Melissa came to pick us up from the party. Melissa's the kind of person who likes to roll down the windows and blast the music... :| She sorta reminds me of my grandparents, the nice ones who don't make up rumors about me to tell their friends!!! Anyway, when they're driving through Indy, they roll down their windows and blare their music, only it's old people music from the 60's. :lol: My grandparents rock. So anyway, when we got back to B.'s, we played with her new wiener dog, Oscar, then we watched the Simpson's Movie and fell asleep. In the morning, we ate bacon, then me, B., and her little bro Devin (who is a giant flirt!) played the Sims 2 and massacred people until my dad came to pick me up and now here I am typing this...