Back from Gettysburg
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
Well everyone, I'm back from Gettysburg!!! I've had a lot of "firsts" there. First of all, I stayed in my first haunted bed/breakfast, which I didn't know was haunted until we were about to leave! Apparently, some old dude died in my room. I could hear him clunking around, but I thought it was the hot Irish guys next door. I didn't find out until later that they weren't even home when it was going on. T_T I also saw my first full body apparition instead of orbs. It was a certain Confederate general, and I have proof. No, it wasn't on a ghost tour, so I know it wasn't someone only making it look like he was there. If you want details, just ask me. I won't bore everyone else with the details that don't care. Also, I met my first Irishman. Actually, I met four of them. They were part of the Civil War reenactment we went to, and they just happened to be staying at the same bed/breakfast we were. I'm especially fond of Liam. I think that's his name. It's either that or Derreca. He's 15, and unlike the fictional Damion I made up last year, Liam is REAL. He's a lot like me, and even enjoys eating odd things for breakfast like I do. Especially gummy bears. Liam reminds me of Tommy Ryan from Titanic, just because of the way he talks. :P All four Irish guys are coming to my home state at some point for a reenactment, only they forgot which city. Anyway, I have about a million ghost stories to tell you guys, if you would like to hear them. My new favorite division from the Civil War is the Louisiana Tigers, who are a bunch of psychos that fought for the Confederacy. They actually picked up severed arms and legs off the ground and began to beat the Union soldiers with them! XD I took some pictures at night where that battlefield was, and I got about a trillion orbs all in one shot. It blew me away. I zoomed in on one orb in particular, and Mom saw it and pointed out a soldier's face. And it's there, plain as day. When we went to the Jenny Wade house, I stuck my finger through the bullet hole that killed her, so apparently I'm supposed to get married in a year or something. *rolls eyes* The basement of the orphanage, which is now a museum of some sort, has to be the scariest place I've ever been. But it was so cool to be down there!!! XD A bunch of little kids got killed and buried down there, so I caught a bunch of orbs on camera down there too. As for the Civil War reenactment, I actually think I saw Liam and his dad for a few moments. They fought in the Irish brigade and their throats were so sore from shouting at the Confederates. But the reenactment was truly amazing, and is going on my list of life changing events along with the movie Titanic. And that's all that's on that list right now. But really, you should ask about Gen. Armistead's ghost, 'cause that's a story worth listening to. ;)