Home sick with a cold
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
I'm home sick with a cold. :( It's 10:42, and right now I would be getting out of 3rd period (Digi Tools), and on my way to lunch in 3 minutes. I hope Jonathan will be able to function properly without me. Yes, I dumped him, but he's still obnoxiously in love with me. I have a doctor's appointment later. Maybe I'll have strep throat and won't have to go back until Monday. I don't wanna go Friday because we're doing the exercise stations in PE and those HURT!!! Although, Miss Davis is back. Last year we had Mrs. Hicks for a while and she made us do those stations and screamed at us if we didn't do it fast enough or hard enough and I ended up pulling a few muscles in my leg. Also in my time away, I've been playing Banjo Kazooie on my N64. It's been a looooong time since I played it, and I forgot how much fun it was!!! XD 2 more days until Twilight comes out!!!