OK, so Homecoming was last Friday. I just forgot to post the night's events, OK? BTW, I made Jonin on Naruto Arena! :D Oh, and I'm not Japanese, I just like to call my friends chan and kun.
Homecoming. The night of the year. Well, not really for me, because I'm still in Jr. High. But Our school is a Jr and Sr. High School, so whatever.Anyway, let's just say my night went from an 8, to a 10,WAY down to a 3, and then to a 100! OK, so Katie-chan's mom took me,Andrea-chan, and Katie-chan to the game.None of the kids really watch the gameconsideringour team sucks. Anyway, Andi-chan and Katie-chan are cheerleaders, so they had to go do their bakesale thingy, and I hung around with Brooke-chan, Alexa-chan, Anita-chan, and Julia-chan.Lucas-kun said he'd be there, but no such luck so far. So me and Brooke-chancalled him on my cell phone and told him to hurry up. 20 minutes, later, we heard from someone that he'd arrived and we found him in line for the concessions.
That's when it went up to a 10! :D Anyways, Lucas-kun has a HORRIBLE habit of pulling girls' hair. It HURTS! Especially when you have really long hair!Although I guess we kinda deserved it, because me and Brooke-chan and Julia-chan and Alexa-chan and Savannah B.-chan (who had shown up later, Anita-chan was on a sugar rush at the time and off running someplace) were being idiots and holding hands and skipping around him in a circle singing,
I don't even remember what he did..... Well then he started pulling our hair. AND IT HURT! After that, Brooke-chan, Savannah B.-chan, andJulia-chan took off someplace. Most likely to find Anita-chan. So there we were, me, Lucas-kun, and Alexa-chan all alone together. You know what, this is too weird. I'm going back to just typing their regular names! Anyway, me and Lucas and Alexa were just standing around. So Lucas puts one of his arms around my shoulders and the other around Alexa's, and we walk around like that for a while. Here's where it goes downhill.
Of course, the other kids saw us. They calledLucas a player, which didn't seem to bother him too much, but they called me a freakin' slut.It was just a word, but it really hurt. I told Lucas to take his arm off me, and he did without question. Alexa didn't seem to mind at all. She knows I like him, but lately he's been more like a bro to me than anything. We just kinda hung around until the game was over. Then me and Lucas went to Over Time (a place to hang out after thegame). It's at our church, so we knew our way around. Weplayed Air Hockey andI beathim both games.
Afterwards, we went outside (it was darkat this point) and we kicked a soccer ball around. And that's when it happened. They were just five words, but they meant so much.
"Nikole, you're my best friend."
I was so touched, I wanted to cry. He had a few guy friends, but out of all of them, I was the best? That's the moment my night hit 100. I won't forget that moment as long as I live.