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How to escape from Jigsaw 101 part 2

Here's your lesson for today.

LESSON #4: The Drill Chair

Trap: You're strapped to a chair with drills on either side of you temples. You've got 20 seconds to deactivate them.

How to escape: You can't escape this one alone. Your pallies will have to find a key and get you out in 20 seconds, or you're done for. I suggest you better find some smarter friends.

Victims: Common criminals

LESSON #5: The Bathroom Trap

Trap: You're in a very repulsive bathroom with a very obnoxious roommate, and both of you have shackles on your ankles, chaining you to various pipes in the wall. And plus, the pipes are connected to electric wires, so Jigsaw can shock you whenever he feels like it. :P One of you gets a key and a bullet. And oh yeah, if there's a guy laying in a pool of blood in the middle of the floor, that's Jigsaw. He's not dead, he just wants to listen to you go insane. There's some hacksaws in the toliet. Jigsaw leaves you a note telling you to shoot your roommate. He has kidnapped someone precious to you and he will kill them if you don't.

How to escape: It doesn't matter if you shoot your roommate or not, you're not going anywhere unless you use the hacksaw to saw through your foot.

Victims: People who piss off Jigsaw. I suggest you stay on his good side.

LESSON #6: Quadruple Shotgun Hallway

Trap: This one is actually more for security reasons. Inside Jigsaw's house, there is a hallway with several foot triggers that will send the shotguns hanging from the ceiling off.

How to escape: Uh, don't try to break in to Jigsaw's house!!!

Victims: Burglars

Be back tomorrow with some more tips on how to escape from Jigsaw. See ya soon!