I saw College Road Trip today. I didn't want to go, because I thought since it had like a zillion preps in it, it would suck. But, IT WAS AWESOME!!!!! My favorite part is where the girl Raven plays's (I forget her name) dad is trying to get people to convince her to go to North Western instead of Georgetown, and this random guy wearing an eye patch comes up to her and screams,
"I got stabbed in the eye! IN GEORGEGTOWN!!!!!"
The whole way home, me and my buddies justs screamed that at each other. This is my second favorite part. There was this happy go lucky family that sang all the time and they really annoyed the crap out of you. The mom wasn't shown much, mostly the father and the daughter. Anyway, there was this idiot named Scooter who was in the very beginning and the very end. The father and daughter were really close and always all buddy buddy. This part is at the end.
Wendy (the daughter): Daddy, this is Scooter! We're getting married!
Dad: O_O
Scooter: Dad! Getting to know you, getting to know all about you-
Dad: O_O ..... KYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scooter: KYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad: (tackles Scooter)