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Lucky Star Sailor F/u/k/u Dance!!! XD

Lucky Star

~Lucky Star~

My and Bryson have until Sunday to learn the entire Lucky Star Sailor Fuku Dance PLUS the lyrics!!! (see video: we're doing it because we want to. :P Oh yeah, Sunday is when we go to camp. So we're going to WOW everyone with our amazing knowledge!!! :D Brooke got on my nerves this morning because I showed her the video and she replied, "OMG, I freaking hated that! Cheerleaders are stupid, but that was just horrible!" Usually I wouldn't let it bother me, but she's the one who got really mad at me for saying that even though I believe and God and pray and stuff, going to extra religion things don't interest me. And she got so mad when I wouldn't go to National Day of Prayer at school, but I always told her, "It isn't my thing and I have no interest in it." So whenever I bring up an anime video, she always goes on about how stupid it was and how it "scared" her. And that's what bugs me about it. She doesn't have to like it, I would just appreciate it if she stopped insulting my hobbies. I never did that for religion, and stuff.

Well anyway, I'm getting off subject. Going by the video above, I can do the dance PLUS the lyrics up to :44. I worked really hard all night and got really sweaty!!! *pant, pant* In case you're wondering who is who in the picture above, from left to right it is, Miyuki, Kagami, Konata, and Tsukasa. In the dance, me and Bry had to divide the characters' parts, so I'm the twins, Kagami and Tsukasa, and she's Konata and Miyuki. Kagami is my favorite, but Konata comes in at a close 2nd. Then probably Tsukasa, then Miyuki.