In the words of the nerds at the end of Forehead Shavecut, "I'm very sad!" Yes, it is toaster related... Oh, I forgot. I didn't teach you guys the secret language of the Toaster. OK, me and one group of my friends invented a language that we call "Toaster". We speak Toaster. In the Toaster language, "toaster" is the word for someone you like or have a crush on. There are 3 other words in the Toaster language, but I'll get into that another day. OK, back to being very sad. Oh, and Bry, I'm going to ask you not to bash anyone's skull in. Anyway, without further distraction, I am very sad because I lost a bet with Savannah B. yesterday, and I had to ask out my toaster, who happens to be Tyler. But that's not really why I am sad. I was fully prepared to ask him out today, but made the mistake of asking one of his pals, who happens to be a pal of mine and former toaster, Cody, if Tyler was allowed to date people. I wanted to make sure he could, because how embarrassing would it be to go up to someone and say, "Hey, I love you, will you go out with me?" and have them say, "Sorry, I'm not allowed." Well, I'd forgotten how much of a douche Cody was. :roll: So he makes this big deal about it, (this was in 1st period SS BTW) and pretends to shout across the room at Tyler that I love him. Well, Tyler didn't hear, but everyone around us did, and I got picked on by Cameron as well! Taryn supports me though, which I was surprised at because we were rivals when we were small. Anywayz, Cookie and B. were hasseling me all day, and I swear to God I was gonna ask him out before Math, but that ass Cody was talking to him, and he made sure I could hear him. This is what he said, "Hey, Tyler, did you know that Nikole likes you? She told me in 1st period..." So now I'm super pissed at Cody, and I'm talking to him. And then I was gonna ask him after Math, but we had a locker clean out, and then I couldn't find him. So then I had to wait until English, and we always sit together in English. Me and Tyler are friends, after all. Well, just as I was about to ask him out, stupid Cody says, "Hey, Tyler! I know who likes you!" so Tyler slugs him in the arm and says, "SHUT UP!!!" And later, Cody says to him, "Oh, Nikole is gonna ask you out sometime today..." To which Tyler says nothing, so that pretty much killed my confidence that I had spent all week working up, so now I don't want to ask him out. And then I started thinking, and I've come to realize that Tyler has never made any romantic advances towards me, and has completely ignored mine, and if he really wanted me for his girlfriend, he would have had some kind of positive reaction to Cody's blabbermouth. So now I'm content (sort of) with just being his friend. I'm not about to expierence a repeat of the Lucas incident, who the only words I say to now are, "Shut up, I wasn't talking to you" and "Don't care".
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