Well, if you've read my previous blog, then you know that yesterday Lucas confessed his feelings for me. Today at the Mega Party at school, Patrick did the same thing, only he asked me out. I told him as nicely as I could that I wasn't really interestedin a boyfriend at the moment, which is partially true. I was interested in him being my boyfriend. But that excuse will work, because Lucas doesn't believe inJr. High relationships. It would've been fine and dandy after that, except for Patrick refused to talk to anyone after that. He just sat alone and if anyone would talk to him, he'd just give them an icy stare. I feel terrible. And knowing Patrick, I wouldn't put it past him to do something terrible to himself. I hope he doesn't.Patrick's been after me for a year. Maybe longer,that's just how long I've known. I went out with this creep named Cody last year, and Patrick tried to beat him up. Lucky for Cody, he played football and Patrick is autistic, so he didn't even get a scratch. And should this happen again, Lucas could take Patrick, so I'm not worried. I just hope I didn't hurt Patrick too much.This situation reminds me of the triangle on Fruits Basket. *note the pictures* Kyo (orange hair)and Yuki(purple hair) both love Tohru. I think in the end she picks Kyo, am I right?
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