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The 10 Commandments that Light has broken

Evil Light Yagami

We all know Light Yagami has been a very bad boy, so here's a list of the 10 Commandments that he has broken and why.

1. You shall have no other gods before the true God. (He thinks of himself as a God, so he broke the biggy here.)

2. You shall not worship false idols. (Similar to the first, Light worships himself.)

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain. (I've accidently let my tongue slip a few times, but not on purpose. With all the swearing Light does, he's probably said it at least 5 times on the show.)

4. Remember the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy. (Light doesn't go to church, or if he does, he certainly doesn't pay much attention.)

5. Honor your father and your mother. (Haha, Light certainly doesn't follow this one. When Soichiro [his dad] was on his death bed, all Light could think about was taking out Mello. And he obviously cares nothing for his mother, for she has suffered the most out of any woman on Death Note, and it's all Light's fault.)

6. You shall not murder. (Not even going to explain how he is guilty of this. If you don't know, you don't watch the show, or you're a freaking brain dead vegetable.)

7. You shall not commit adultery. (Most of you are like, "Huh? How's he fit there?". OK, remember when he used to have that one girlfriend of his when he was in college? He was seeing Misa on the side.)

8. You shall not steal. (Pfft, he steals pieces of the Death Note from L's, God rest his soul, little army all the time.)

9. You shall not lie. (Another goody. Light lies all the time, from the fact that he is The Kira, down to the murder of L.)

10. You shall not envy. (Oh come on, Light envies everyone! He won't stop until he takes over the world! Which he's pretty much already done anyway.)

Well whattdya know! He's broken them all! If he hadn't used the Death Note, he'd be going to Hell for sure. :P