Tired of everyone being ignorant
by DarkNinja1994 on Comments
OK listen up, I don't give a flipping sh!t whether you agree with me or not, whether you support Obama or not, but you're going to shut the hell up and listen to what I have to say before I wring your scrawny little neck! My mom (who teaches 1st grade) decided she was going to show her class Pres. Obama's speech today about how to be a good student. One parents sent his child in with a note saying that his son was not to have anything to do with the speech, so my mom sent him out in the hall. No biggie, right? WRONG! Well another teacher found out that my mom let her kids watch the speech (I saw it, there was absolutely NOTHING political about it) and she was just utterly apalled that my mother would let her class watch such a thing! And I quote: "That was how Hitler got started!" Having a fondness for that teacher, my mom kept her mouth shut and went on with her day. This really pisses me off. I mean, WHO CARES IF YOU SUPPORT OBAMA OR NOT? AT THE END OF THE DAY IS HE NOT STILL OUR PRESIDENT?!? Now, if John McCain or any Republican got up there and made the exact same speech, uttered every word Pres. Obama said, down to the last word, it would be absolutely praised and everyone would be worshipping him. What makes McCain so much better than Obama, or Obama better than McCain? They have the same goal: To change America. They just have a different way of going about it. Neither one is better than the other, just different. I actually saw the speech Pres. Obama gave today. It was inspiring. I'm a liberal democrat, but didn't really care as to who won the 2008 election, so don't accuse me of being biased. I was awestruck by the speech. By the time it was done, I was all fired up, and if Mr. B would've let me (and he probably would've, considering I was his student assistant that period) I would've run down the hall shouting and doing cartwheels, which I suck at. He got me that excited. When you insult my president, you directly insult me. This is no lie: When I honestly really think about the people who hate our country and hate America and hate our president, tears well up in my eyes. Every tear I shed is for every ignorant soul who is too close minded and stubborn to live and let live, to get on with their lives. You can't always have it your way. Why do people have to be so freaking ignorant? Pres. Obama could be a really great president, but no one will give him a chance...