Lizzy-Marcia94: 25
suitelifefan1: 5
Reignofsorrow: 5
Q: What are the names of the dogs on Dhamra & Greg?
A: Stinky and Nunzio
Q: In the series, Death Note, what sport does L challenge Light to in order to determine if he is The Kira?
I'm rereading Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone because my life has no meaning and it's giving me a break from being a couch potato. I stumbled across this passage and I really quite like it. :P
Albus Dumbledore had gotten to his feet. He was beaming at the student, his arms opened wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there.
"Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!"
He sat back down. Everbody clapped and cheered. Harry didn't know whether to laugh or not.
"Is he-a bit bat?" he asked Percy uncertainly.
"Mad?" said Percy airily. "He's a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?"
End of passage. (My parents are downstairs watching the Patriots game. They despise the Patriots. The only reason they're watching is becaus ethey want them to lose, and it's not uncommon for them while they're praying to say, "Dear God, please let the Patriots lose..." :P)My birthday is the 31st and Mom's planning my family birthday party tomorrow at 5. Tomorrow is also Lucas's brother, Jack's, birthday. He will be 15. Anyway, I dislike family birthday parties with a passion, especially my own. But at least it's over break and I don't have to waste a perfectly good weekend. :D We're having all 20 of my main relatives in my house. My poor rabbit will be scared to death! My dad's mom has this loud obnoxious voice and Bugsy hides in fear whenever she gets near him. And my younger cousin Zach always tries to grab him. :roll: My uncle Joe and aunt Angela and their kids, Katie and baby Jared, probably won't even be there because Angela is kinda bizzarre and it's usually her way or the high way and they're going to some church thing. But she gives cool Christmas presents, so I'm nice to her. :P My dad's dad walks reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally slowly (Estimate ofless than amile per hour. No joke.) and follows me around, wanting hugs. It gets obnoxious really fast. The only two of my cousins I can really relate to are Emily and Kody. Kody is only a grade ahead of me and we go to the same school, so I see him around a lot. We're good friends. Emily is 17, but there's a special bond between us. Anyway, the point is my relatives are totally obnoxious and I would rather spend tomorrow alone. I told Mom this and asked why we even had to have the stupid thing in the first place and she said it was because the family wanted to see me. :roll: My B-Day party with my pals will be fun. The date is undecided, but we're 100% sure that we're going roller blading at Great Skates in Lafayette. Do you know where that is, Bry? I wantyou to come!